Kelly's 5 Distribution Team provide the highest level of customer support

and build long lasting relationships with our clients.

We work both with the professionals, resellers and wholesalers.
Present on many trade show through the United States,
our team will be pleased to meet you soon.

Francis Nahim

Francis Nahim

CEO Manager

Office Phone: (702) 413-6200
Fax: (702) 413-6201
Email: francis@ks5.us

Kelly Nahim

CEO Manager

Office Phone: (702) 413-6200
Fax: (702) 413-6201
Email: kelly@ks5.us

Gregory Benbara

Webstore Manager

Office Phone: (702) 413-6200
Fax: (702) 413-6201
Email: gregory@ks5.us

Victoria Steffes


Jeff Sterner

Commercial Agent

Office Phone: (954) 821-1805
Fax: '702) 413-6201
Email: jmssales.mklg@concast.net

Reo Hope

Commercial Agent

Cell: (954) 969-9690
Fax: (702) 413-6201
Email: reo@ks5.us - reo.hope.ks5.us@earthlink.net

Nelson Bloom

Commercial Agent

Manufacturers Representative
Equipment Connection, Inc.

Office Phone: (321) 945-7723
Fax: (702) 413-6201
Email: equipmentconnection@gmail.com